

Academic Coaching & Tutoring

I offer academic coaching to neurodivergent students of all ages who need help with study skills, time management, reading techniques, all types and levels of academic writing, public speaking and communication and more, and understanding your rights in relation to the ADA as well as appropriately communicating those needs to…

Strengthen Social Skills

We provide social skills training using the PEERS curriculum developed at UCLA. The training is a 10-week program for youth 9-29 (completed in a small group setting separated by age) and their social coaches (usually a parent). It focused on developing the skills to make friends as well as improve…

Family Achievement Foundation

Family Achievement Foundation exists to help families on a challenging journey. Whether that be for special needs or mental health concerns, our community will do our best to build meaningful resources that cover a broad range of parenting challenges. Family Achievement Foundation offers free family events, education series, recognition programs and tailored resources to families on the journey of disabilities and special needs.


Intelligent.com provides informational resources and support to help everyone make informed decisions about higher education. Here is our free resource guide that we believe could be of value to your community: https://www.intelligent.com/online-college-guide-for-students-with-mental-health-disorders/. We created this guide to help students navigate the programs and policies supporting mental health. It…

Multicultural Autism Action Network (MAAN)

The Multicultural Autism Action Network provides services and supports to families of autistic children in multicultural communities. We provide family-facing services which include service navigation, training, support groups, and 1:1 support; as well as provider-facing services such as training, public speaking, focus groups, and assistance with community engagement.

Persevere Wellness LLC

Offering nutrition and fitness coaching and consulting services from a Registered Dietitian, Certified Personal Trainer who specializes in services for people in special population. I come to your home, provide individualize treatment plans focusing on improving food intake, nutrition, and increasing mobility and strength. To read my story and experience,…

Laura Baker Services Association

We seek innovative ways to ensure that people with intellectual and developmental disabilities can live, work and recreate in the community as they choose.

Mad Hatter Wellness

Mad Hatter Wellness envisions a world that provides and promotes equitable health and wellness education for all people. Mad Hatter Wellness creates comprehensive sexual health education programming that educates, trains, and empowers people with intellectual disabilities and their support systems.

Minnesota Independence College & Community

Minnesota Independence College & Community (MICC) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit vocational and life skills training program for young adults with learning differences and autism spectrum disorders (ASD).

College Autism Spectrum

Support for students with Aspergers/high functioning autism and their families as they transition to and through college.

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