
Paying for Camp

A camper, a young man, stands in a field underneath a spray of water, soaking it up. There's a beautiful rainbow over his head.

AuSM knows that camp can be a large expense for families. To help support our campers, this page has information about scholarships and using waivers to pay for camp.

The cost of one camp session (five days) will be $1,999 in 2024. By applying and registering for camp, a camper’s family agrees to pay all associated costs that may not be covered by a waiver, grant, or scholarship. If a camper cancels at least three weeks before the start of a camp session, a full refund will be issued. If a camper becomes sick, a full refund will be issued. Please do not bring campers to camp if they are sick! Full or partial refunds beyond those described above will be determined by AuSM on a case-by-case basis.

Paying for Camp

There are several ways that people pay for camp.  They include:

  • Credit card: You can pay by credit card directly from this registration platform. We have established a secure account with WorldLine Bank for this purpose. Note: you will also be billed for the cost of the automatic 2.7% processing fee.
  • Cash or check: Do not mail cash! Direct payment can be made in person or by mail at the AuSM Office. Please include your camper’s name and camp session with your payment. Mail checks to AuSM at 2380 Wycliff St. #102, St. Paul, MN 55114.
  • Third Party Payers: e.g. CDCS waivers, Consumer Support Grants, Family Support Grants.  If you have camp registration fees in your annual budget with your county, you can:
    • Give AuSM your financial management service (FMS) contact information and have us bill on your behalf.
    • Pay for camp up-front and then submit the itemized receipt to your financial management service for reimbursement.
    • Give an invoice to your financial management service (FMS) and ask them to send payment directly to AuSM.
  • Scholarship: We receive dozens of generous donations each year that are ear-marked for camp scholarships. All money is distributed amongst applicants based on camper and familial need and previous awards. The scholarship application is part of the Camp Payment form.
  • Payment Plan: If you need to pay in stages or you need to use multiple methods of payment, please contact our finance administrator, Melanie Davidson at finance@ausm.org or 651.647.1083 ext. 118.

Using Waivers to Pay for Camp

If your camper’s MN Choices Assessment Plan documents a need for social or recreational supports, and if you have Consumer-Directed Community Supports (CDCS) – then your waiver can be used to pay for an AuSM camp. If you plan to pay for camp using a waiver, please refer to this document covering qualifying requirements and recommended language. For more detailed information on the appeals process, please refer to this guide. Also, here is a letter of support from AuSM to accompany your annual budget proposal or appeal. A small number of our campers have also received partial scholarships or grants from programs in their counties or from tribal nations. By registering for an AuSM camp, you agree to pay in full any amount not covered by the third-party payer.

A group shot of all the camp counselors and campers from one cabinAuSM Scholarships

A small number of scholarships are available due to the generous support of AuSM’s donors. Anyone may apply for a scholarship. Please note that there has been a significant increase in need and scholarship funds are limited; applicants need to remain diligent in finding other ways to pay for camp. Scholarships are awarded based on camper and familial need, the amount of aid a camper has received in the past, and according to the funds available. The scholarship application is part of the Camp Payment Form.

If you apply for a scholarship and do not receive the amount you requested, you can fundraise to support your camper’s camp fees. Here are some ideas we recommend:

  1. Ask friends and family to make contributions to camp in place of traditional holiday and birthday gifts.
  2. Ask extended family for help paying for camp.
  3. Reach out to your case manager and/or your county. Several counties – particularly rural counties – have grant programs that support families by financing adaptive social and recreational programming opportunities.
  4. If you are Indigenous, reach out to your Tribal Council.  Many councils support members seeking opportunities that are adaptive, recreational, and/or educational.
  5. Reach out to community organizations, particularly if a friend or family member is part of one.
  6. If you belong to a faith community, ask for assistance. Clergy typically have discretionary funds to allocate as they see fit, and many leadership groups/vestries/book clubs/women’s councils/etc. are also happy to help.
  7. Go Fund Me! People ask for donations for all sorts of things. Why not camp?

Membership is Required

To be eligible for AuSM Summer Camp application, you must be a current member of AuSM. AuSM offers a place to learn, access services, and develop skills that enhance your life. AuSM membership connects you to a common community that acts without judgment, nurtures potential, advances knowledge, and builds awareness.






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