Partners in Community Supports (PICS)

Partners in Community Supports (PICS) takes the worry and stress out of the legal and financial aspects of payroll and self-directed care. PICS provides administrative expertise so you can focus on the more pleasant aspects of life.
We help people:
•Process payroll
•Process and pay expenses and reimbursements
•Handle all required accounting, reporting, tax and revenue information
•Facilitate staffing, including payroll, benefits, insurance, training and more
Established in 1999, PICS is a non-profit organization and licensed Fiscal Support Entity (FSE) with a unique place in the world of social services. Working with organizations and advocates across Minnesota, we create responsive and innovative services for people and their families. Addressing unmet needs, anticipating changes, and enhancing the service delivery system are all at the heart of our work.

Contact Information

1605 Eustis Street
St. Paul MN 55108 All Resources
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