Events for April 6, 2028 - March 4, 2027

TEApoyo and MAAN Special Education Series

Virtual Event

We are excited to remind you about our new learning series for parents and families, in collaboration between TEApoyo MN and the Multicultural Autism Action Network. These workshops are designed to help you better understand the educational rights of children and youth with disabilities and how to access and advocate for the necessary supports at school. 🧠💡 Here is the […]

Event Series MNprov Mixers

MNprov Mixers

Prince of Peace Lutheran Church 2561 Victoria Street North, Roseville, MN

Free Workshops for Neurodivergent Adults ND adults benefit from these free applied improvisation workshops as they develop social connections, build relationships, and feel belonging. Within this safe and trusting environment, participants learn to become comfortable taking reasonable risks & making mistakes, increase their resilience and ability to tolerate uncertainty, improve their communication and collaboration skills, […]

Event Series Saturday Fun/Respite Day

Saturday Fun/Respite Day

Laura Baker Services Association 211 Oak Street, Northfield, MN

TIME FOR RESPITE AND SOCIAL INTERACTION A monthly program for families who care for individuals with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities. Adults and children ages 5 and above with special needs who live at home with their families are welcome to join LBSA on the second Saturday of the month for crafts, games, outdoor activities, and […]

Event Series Respite Saturday Fun Day

Respite Saturday Fun Day

Laura Baker Services Association 211 Oak Street, Northfield, MN

Unwind and reset while your loved one enjoys Saturday Fun at Laura Baker Services Association at 1 p.m! This inclusive, four-hour event is catered to individuals ages five and older with intellectual or developmental disabilities. A $20 ticket will include snacks, activities, games and music while socializing and building new connections! Cost is $20. Fee […]


Relaxed Performance – Spongebob the Musical Youth Edition

Children's Performance Arts 6101 Scandia Trail, Forest Lake, MN, United States

For every mainstage show in our season, Children’s Performing Arts hosts a relaxed performance. This allows patrons with sensory, social, physical, and cognitive needs to attend a production in a safe and welcoming environment. Modifications to this performance include lights remaining dim in the audience, elimination of intense lighting and sound effects, and audiences being […]

Sensory Friendly Sunday at the Walker Art Center

Walker Art Center Minneapolis, Minnesota

Sensory Friendly Sunday is a monthly event is designed for kids, teens, and adults with sensory processing differences, autism spectrum disorder or developmental disabilities. From 8 am to 11 am on the second Sunday of the month, the galleries will be closed to the general public, and sound and light levels will be adjusted, allowing […]

Sensory Friendly Event – Eagles Nest Indoor Playground

Eagles Nest 400 10th St. NW, New Brighton, MN, United States

Does your child or someone you are close to, have a child that has challenges with traditional playground settings? How about large crowds? New Brighton Parks and Recreation understands that not all children can attend the Eagles Nest during normal business timeframes. That is why we have partnered with the Minnesota Autism Society to create […]

TEApoyo and MAAN Special Education Series

Virtual Event

We are excited to remind you about our new learning series for parents and families, in collaboration between TEApoyo MN and the Multicultural Autism Action Network. These workshops are designed to help you better understand the educational rights of children and youth with disabilities and how to access and advocate for the necessary supports at school. 🧠💡 Here is the […]

Event Series See Me Neurodiverse support meeting

See Me Neurodiverse support meeting

See Me Neurodiverse 6000 McColl Drive, Savage, MN

This is a support meeting for the parents and caregivers of the neurodiverse to share our journeys together and help spread our wealth of resources to the community! See Me’s main event that we host is a Family/Caregiver Support Meeting. We meet for an in-person support group on the first Thursday and the third Wednesday […]

Submit an event!

Interested in sharing an event with the Minnesota autism community? You can share information on our submission form and we’ll post your event to our calendar!

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