

Minnesota Autism Center (MAC)

The Minnesota Autism Center (MAC) provides therapeutic support for children, adolescents and families affected by Autism Spectrum Disorders. Our MAC therapy team consists of highly trained professionals who work to reduce and eliminate the signs and symptoms of autism through Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy.

Holland Center

Holland is a Pediatric Habilitation & Rehabilitation Treatment Center for children with autism. We are committed to bringing together the best and most effective education and therapies in the safest environment.

Kidspeak Ltd.

Kidspeak Ltd. provides pediatric IN-HOME speech, feeding and occupational therapy services in the Twin Cities Metro area and Buffalo. We also provide therapy in schools, home daycares and daycare centers.

Online Behavior Consultant

Online Behavior Consultant, LLC uses telehealth technology to improve children's behavior around the world.

Reach for Resources, Inc.

Reach for Resources, Inc. is a non-profit organization whose mission is to help people of all abilities in the Minneapolis metro area to live a full life.

SunnyDays Therapy, Inc.

SunnyDays Therapy was founded on the belief that each and every individual should have the opportunity to improve their independence and confidence in a caring and supportive environment. Our Occupational Therapists and Speech Therapists specialize in treating children and young adults with a variety of abilities.

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