
Autism Matters

We are an educated, experienced and dedicated team of professionals who specialize in working with children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Offering an array of services for children aged 2 to 17, we provide speech-language therapy; early intensive behavioral intervention/ABA (20 to 40 clinic-based hours per week); feeding therapy; academic tutoring; consultation services; and occupational therapy.

Because communication and social interaction are core challenges facing children with ASD and their families, we address these areas in everything we do. Teaching these skills in the most effective and efficient manner requires the expertise of and collaboration between behavioral therapists and licensed speech-language pathologists. This is due to the simple fact that behavior therapists are trained in teaching procedures scientifically proven to be effective; and speech-language pathologists are licensed experts in speech, language, social-communication development.

Keeping the core challenges of autism as our main focus, along with a cohesive professional team, allows us the opportunity to be the place where many children who cannot speak learn to say their first word, and where children who cannot communicate, learn to ask for what they want.

Contact Information

2600 Fernbrook Lane N. #138
Plymouth, MN 55447
United States

http://www.autismmatters.net All Resources
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