

Our nonprofit, MNprov (Minnesota + Improv), is able to support both students and educators in creating a safe and supportive learning community. MNprov’s mission is to use applied improvisation to strengthen the social, emotional and communication skills of middle school, high school and transition age neurodiverse learners. We provide both in-person and virtual social emotional learning (SEL) programming for students and professional development for staff.

Social, emotional and communication skills are developed as participants practice the most important rule of improv, “Yes, And. . .” , which allows them to co-create something brand new by listening to each other, accepting what someone else offers, and then adding on to that offer. A safe and supportive learning community is established as participants learn to take risks, embrace mistakes & trust each other. Learners develop flexibility and problem solving skills as they spontaneously create new ideas together, they strengthen communication skills as they give and receive verbal & nonverbal offers, and they grow in self-confidence as they use their individual strengths, interests & knowledge to experience success. The skills participants develop through improv are the skills that help them to successfully navigate their everyday lives.

*Improv addresses CASEL Social Emotional Learning competencies:
self-awareness, self-management, social-awareness, relationship skills.

*Improv incorporates the 4 C’s of 21st Century Learning:
communication, collaboration, creativity and critical thinking.

*Improv addresses the unique needs of neurodiverse learners.

*Improv contributes to a safe & supportive learning environment.

*Improv mirrors everyday social interactions and provides students with an authentic environment in which to practice, leading to generalization in real life situations.

*Improv is supported by research that demonstrates increased social skills, reduced social anxiety and increased writing fluency.

We provide low/no cost student classes and professional development opportunities using funding provided through grants and donations. Please explore our website to learn more about MNprov and contact us to discuss setting up professional development opportunities and/or an applied improv class for students.

Contact Information

16640 Thatcher Rd.
Eden Prairie, MN 55347

https://MNprov.org All Resources
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