AuSM Women’s Support Group
AuSM Women’s Support Group
Women with Autism Spectrum Disorder gather to discuss challenges, strategies, and topics unique to being a woman on the spectrum. This group is held virtually only.
Women with Autism Spectrum Disorder gather to discuss challenges, strategies, and topics unique to being a woman on the spectrum. This group is held virtually only.
Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder who identify as LGBTQIA gather to discuss topics related to the intersection of autism and gender/sexuality. This group is held virtually only.
This is a support meeting for the parents and caregivers of the neurodiverse to share our journeys together and help spread our wealth of resources to the community! See Me’s main event that we host is a Family/Caregiver Support Meeting. We meet for an in-person support group on the first Thursday and the third Wednesday […]
Parents, caregivers, and other family members of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (18+) gather to discuss challenges, triumphs, and strategies for support. This group is held virtually only.
Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder gather in this typically larger group to support each other, socialize, and discuss common interests and concerns. This group is held virtually only.
Women with Autism Spectrum Disorder gather to discuss challenges, strategies, and topics unique to being a woman on the spectrum. This group is held virtually only.
Interested in sharing an event with the Minnesota autism community? You can share information on our submission form and we’ll post your event to our calendar!