AuSM Hosting June 6 Virtual Workshop on Plain Language and Easy Read

AuSM’s June 6 virtual Workshop will cover the basics of cognitive accessibility and cognitively accessible formats when writing for autistic people and other people with IDD. Workshop presenter Donnie TC Denome, a multiply disabled autistic self advocate and AAC user, will talk about the difference between plain language and Easy Read, strategies when writing in plain language or Easy Read, and the basics of illustrating and formatting plain language and Easy Read documents. No prior experience in cognitively accessible formats is required; however, please come prepared to try writing in these formats. Register here.
June 6, 9 a.m.-12 p.m.
Held virtually
Member: $55
Non-Member: $65
Autistic Individual: $35
Workshop presenter Donnie TC Denome works at the Autistic Self Advocacy Network as ASAN’s Inclusive Publications and Research Coordinator, where they create and curate ASAN’s library of Easy Read and plain language resources. Donnie holds a Master’s in Public Health degree with a focus on health education for people with disabilities. Donnie is passionate about health communication equity and ensuring that all people, no matter their disability or needs, have access to information they can understand. Donnie is also a 2023-2024 MN LEND fellow.