AuSM Therapists Show Respectful Thought-Leadership in Speaker Presentations

After her presentation at the Minnesota School Social Workers Association’s 2023 fall conference, AuSM Therapist Sara Lahti was approached by audience members who made a point of saying how neurodivergent-affirming her presentation was. Sara’s presentation, “Helping Autistic and Neurodivergent Children Through Trauma,“ was a discussion on the how the intersection between autism/neurodivergence and trauma is not a new concept, but is a relatively new focus of research. She discussed how trauma presents differently in those who are not neurotypical – and therefore need different supports. Her presentation provided information on evidence-based supports, with attention paid to potential traumatic situations and lifespan development. Sara has since been contacted by school districts asking for similar presentations for their staff.

In November, AuSM Therapist Beth Pitchford traveled to Baltimore to speak at the Annual International Conference on ADHD2023. Beth’s presentation, “The Nuanced Interplay of ADHD and ASD,” elaborated on recent researching finding that there’s up to a 70% comorbidity rate between the two neurodivergences – with some shared characteristics, but also many differences. Beth discussed the importance for therapists, educators, parents, and self-advocates to be knowledgeable of all respective traits of each – and the common traits when they are comorbid – in order to apply the right techniques and interventions. 

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