
AuSM Class/Training

Education Catalog Published, 2024-25 Edition

Each year, AuSM produces two catalogs to keep our community informed about educational opportunities in the next several months, including classes, workshops, and social and recreation programs. We’re thrilled to share that we’ve just published our 2024-2025 Education Catalog, available here on our website. In this piece you’ll…

AuSM’s June 6 Workshop: Plain Language and Easy Read: An Introduction to Cognitively Accessible Formats

AuSM’s June 6 Workshop, Plain Language and Easy Read: An Introduction to Cognitively Accessible Formats, is a must-see for everyone who wants to create more accessible flyers, articles, handouts, and other materials. Hosted by Donnie TC Denome, this presentation will cover the basics of cognitive accessibility and cognitively accessible formats…

AuSM Hosting Dec. 7 Workshop on Gestalt Language Processing

AuSM’s next virtual workshop, Language Development in Neurodivergent and Other Gestalt Language Processors, will explain how gestalt language development differs from analytic language development, and how to support it in your clients and students. Presented by Marge Blanc, a speech-language pathologist for 45 years, this workshop is ideal for SLPs,…

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