
Summer 2024 Recreation Catalog Now Online, Including Sensory-Friendly Guide

AuSM has published its 2024 Summer Recreation Catalog, with social and recreational opportunities for autistics of all ages, as well as educational programs for families. As much as education is about learning to learn, it’s about learning to socialize – and recess rules the day. Recreation builds relationships when students fall into friendship through their shared learning journey.

Find the catalog here, and click here to peruse these offerings our website. Included in our catalog is a listing of sensory-friendly events, activities, and venues. In this section, we provide space for organizations and venues to share their upcoming sensory-friendly events and activities with our community. We want to share as many events with our community as possible – it’s win-win for all of us.

AuSM’s recreation guide curates social and recreation programs to help Minnesota’s autism community connect through classes, events, and other opportunities to learn organically in social and classroom settings. You’ll find activities designed to meet the needs of autistic and neurodiverse youth and adults. We celebrate autistic individuals and all who support them by providing a welcoming place to learn, access services, and develop skills for navigating emotions, information, and life.

AuSM’s social, recreation, and education programs are an integral part of our mission to create connections, empowering everyone in the autism community with the resources needed to live fully. Wherever you are on your journey into the autism community, AuSM has something for you – this summer and beyond.


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