Apply to Present at Minnesota Autism Conference

Got a topic you’d like to present as a breakout session at next April’s Minnesota Autism Conference? Speaker proposals are due by Friday, Nov. 17, 2023. Breakout sessions will be delivered in person April 17-April 19, 2024 at the Marriott Minneapolis Airport Hotel.
AuSM will consider proposals from people who want to speak on their own as a solo presenter, and we also welcome those of you who wish to put together a panel of your peers to collaborate on your presentation and discussion. If proposing a panel, please describe the relevant expertise of your co-presenters and independently confirm their availability between April 17-19, 2024. No proposals for virtual sessions, please.
Anyone with expertise is welcome to apply, but we are specifically seeking presentations from autistics and other marginalized community members, including LGBTQIA+ individuals, BIPOC individuals, and multiply disabled individuals.
We’re seeking any and all topics related to autism, but we’re especially interested in: alternative and augmentative communication; executive function; sensory regulation; dating and relationships; strategies for educators; neurodiversity-based supports; community integration; social security and autism; aging and autism; employment; current research; and intersectionality. Some of these topics may be combined, and this is not meant as an exhaustive list of topics. Tell us what’s on your mind.
Submissions must include an email address as you will be notified through email by Dec. 15, 2023, whether or not your proposal is selected.
Perhaps you’ve attended our annual conference in years past and thought to yourself, “That should be me up there; I have relevant experience and expertise that people ought to know.” This is your chance – tell us what we should know, and why you (and your co-presenters, if applicable) are uniquely qualified to present your proposed breakout session. Start your application here.