
Persevere Wellness LLC

Offering nutrition and fitness coaching and consulting services from a Registered Dietitian, Certified Personal Trainer who specializes in services for people in special population. I come to your home, provide individualize treatment plans focusing on improving food intake, nutrition, and increasing mobility and strength. To read my story and experience,…

Friesen Holistic Services LLC

Friesen Holistic Services LLC promotes healthy daily living & well-being skill sets to young adults with an Autism Spectrum Disorder who wish to live independently. Our separate Nurse Advocate Services are designed to support Families with IEP meetings, medical appointments and resource navigation. The individual’s family and/or support system are…

Laura Baker Services Association

We seek innovative ways to ensure that people with intellectual and developmental disabilities can live, work and recreate in the community as they choose.

Journey Pediatric Therapy

We provide pediatric speech, occupational and feeding therapy. Each child reaches their desired destination through their own journey. We are here to assist in ensuring that happens through proven interventions and techniques on an individual platform. Let's reach our goals together!

Mad Hatter Wellness

Mad Hatter Wellness envisions a world that provides and promotes equitable health and wellness education for all people. Mad Hatter Wellness creates comprehensive sexual health education programming that educates, trains, and empowers people with intellectual disabilities and their support systems.


ShareBuddies is an online platform that provides free social skills services to students with social challenges. In light of the ubiquitous social distancing, students with these challenges do not have many opportunities to socialize with their peers, and as a result, they are unable to improve their communicative abilities.

Minnesota Autism Center (MAC)

The Minnesota Autism Center (MAC) provides therapeutic support for children, adolescents and families affected by Autism Spectrum Disorders. Our MAC therapy team consists of highly trained professionals who work to reduce and eliminate the signs and symptoms of autism through Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy.

Lindamood-Bell Learning Processes

Lindamood-Bell helps children and adults improve language processing- the foundation of all communication and learning.

Kidspeak Ltd.

Kidspeak Ltd. provides pediatric IN-HOME speech, feeding and occupational therapy services in the Twin Cities Metro area and Buffalo. We also provide therapy in schools, home daycares and daycare centers.


Kinuu is focused on healthier, happier, and more confident kids and young adults, ages 6 – 30. Our approach to therapy, is delivered via gamification and combines the best science and technology to deliver our families real results in under 6 months. We strengthen the underlying causes of Autism, ADHD and Dyslexia so learning, academics and behavior happen naturally.

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