
Mad Hatter Wellness

Mad Hatter Wellness is an all female identifying run small business out of St. Paul, Minnesota. Mad Hatter Wellness envisions a world that provides and promotes equitable health and wellness education for all people. Mad Hatter Wellness creates comprehensive sexual health education programming that educates, trains, and empowers people with intellectual disabilities and their support systems.

Mad Hatter Wellness has two main programs and published curriculums, Power of Me and Sexuality for All Abilities. Mad Hatter Wellness was created by a special education teacher who saw the need for equitable health education for her students. With Power of Me teaching middle schoolers and the all ages curriculum Sexuality for All Abilities, Mad Hatter Wellness provides equitable health education to people of all ages and abilities.

Contact Information

455 South Chatsworth St.
St. Paul, MN 55102
United States

https://madhatterwellness.com All Resources
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