Help your child learn how to ride a bicycle

Challenges with body awareness, balance and motor control, and hand-eye coordination can make riding a bike difficult. On Aug. 31 from 6-8 p.m., we invite you to join us at AuSM’s office in St. Paul for an AuSM Skillshop about helping your child with autism learn to ride a bike. Learn a number of tips for successful bike riding including purchasing equipment, making bike adjustments, breaking down riding into smaller steps, clothing protection, practice makes perfect pedaling, staying positive and patient, and working toward the sense of independence and accomplishment that your child will experience when learning to ride their own bike.

This AuSM Skillshop will be presented by Alex Uhler, an outdoor enthusiast with more than 40 years of bicycling experience. The event is limited to eight children, ages 5-12. Support adult and child attend together. Child should bring a bike and helmet. The cost is $25.

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