Stages Theatre Company

Our sensory-friendly programming is part of our commitment to removing barriers for everyone to enjoy the wonder and benefits of theatre arts participation. Our sensory-friendly performances and CAST (Creative, Accepting, Sensory-friendly Theatre) education program for ages 7-17 are designed for young people with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Sensory Processing Disorder, or other sensory, social, cognitive disabilities or mental illness. Each show has a sensory-friendly performance throughout the showing.  Show modifications include house lights remaining on, loud sounds and intense lighting being minimized, limited audience to allow for movement throughout, and a take-a-break space. We provide fidgets and noise-cancelling headphones and offer social stories and plot summaries in advance. Spring CAST classes run Saturday mornings throughout the school year, and in August during the summer at the Hopkins Center for the Arts. To register for CAST or book a ticket to our sensory-friendly performances visit our website or call our box office at 952-979-1111, option 4.

Contact Information

Street: 1111 Main Street
Postcode: 55343
City: Hopkins
State: Minnesota
Country: United States All Resources
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