Preparing for Camp
Once your camper has been accepted to an AuSM Summer Camp, you can use the materials below to prepare for their camp week.
Camp Discovery
- Location: True Friends Camp Courage. 8046 83rd St NW, Maple Lake, MN 55358
- 2023 Discovery Session 1 Menu
- 2023 Discovery Session 2 Menu
- Discovery Packing List
- Physician Signature Form
Camp Hand in Hand
- Location: Camp Knutson. 1148 Manhattan Pt. Blvd. Crosslake, MN 56442
- Hand in Hand Packing List
- 2023 Hand in Hand Menu
- Physician Signature Form
- Social Narrative: What is Camp Hand in Hand?
- Social Narrative: Arriving To and Leaving From Camp Hand in Hand
- Social Narrative: How Meals Work at Camp Hand in Hand