
Autism Certification

This certificate program is designed to prepare professionals, educators, caregivers, and service providers, to provide direct support to people impacted by autism. You will gain an in-depth understanding of the autism diagnosis, the issues affecting autistic people, and some of AuSM’s favorite support strategies. This three-part series is ideal for support staff, PCAs, group home staff, educational aides, and anyone who works directly with autistic individuals. Individuals on the spectrum also are welcome and encouraged to attend to increase their self-awareness and to share their unique perspectives. Email education@ausm.org for information about discounted group rates.

Training ObjectivesA classroom of people watching a presenter in front of a screen

  • Understand Autism Spectrum Disorder and how autism can affect communication, relationships, and behavior.
  • Explore the social issues impacting the autism community and how you can help autistic people thrive.
  • Apply evidence-based practices to support autistic people experiencing challenges.

Who Should Participate?

  • Job coaches
  • Support staff
  • Personal Care Attendants (PCAs)
  • EIDBI Tier 3 providers
  • Educational aides
  • Direct support personnel
  • Group home staff
  • Day training and habilitation professionals
  • Anyone who works directly with individuals with autism
  • Individuals with autism

Each session is limited to 15 participants. Licensed professionals may submit documentation from the AuSM Autism Direct Support Certification Program to licensing boards for Continuing Education Unit (CEU) consideration (up to 15 hours).


Cost Per Session
$300 per person. A group discount is available for 3 or more participants from the same organization. Contact AuSM at 651.647.1083 to register a group of 3 or more participants for the same session. If you plan to register a group, please reach out a month or more in advance. If you register less than a month before the class, we cannot guarantee that there will be slots available.

Upcoming Sessions

Spring Session
Fridays, May 9, 16, and 23
9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

Summer Session
Fridays, Aug. 22, 29, and Sept. 5
9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.


AuSM Autism Direct Support Certification On Location
AuSM ASD Certification Training also is available for groups at your specified location or via Zoom. Contact AuSM’s education team for more information.

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