Emotion Regulation Resources

A woman looks at the camera smiling. She's holding a photo of herself looking neutral. In that photo she's holding another photo with a different emotion.Information, toolkits, and guides to support healthy emotion regulation strategies, from identifying emotions to regularly doing self-care.

Your Self-Care Toolkit
This resource is an interactive tool to help you plan out your self-care practice and become more intentional about meeting your own needs. Watch a video sharing how to use this resource by clicking here.

Things That Help With Burnout
An infographic detailing what Autistic Burnout is, signs of it, and strategies to help manage it.

The 5-Point Scale and Emotion Regulation
An article written by the creator of the 5-point scale that overviews what the 5-point scale is and how to use it to support emotion regulation.

A blog that explains what co-regulation is and how support people (especially parents) can help others regulate their emotions through co-regulation.

Learn About the Zones of Regulation
The Zones of Regulation are one approach to emotion regulation. This article explains what they are and how to use them, and also includes suggestions for incorporating them into day to day life.

Social Narrative Template (create your own): How to Deal with Difficult Emotions
A customizable social narrative template that you can use to create a plan for managing difficult emotions.

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