Advocacy Resources

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These resources are about all kinds of advocacy, from legislative and political to education, employment, and healthcare.

Types of Self-Advocacy
This graphic shares a variety of different ways that an individual can engage in self-advocacy, pushing us to look beyond traditional concepts of advocacy that are limited to politics or laws. Click here to see the text in a Microsoft Word document for added accessibility.

A Curriculum for Self-Advocates
A resource from The Autistic Self Advocacy Network that gives information about the self-advocacy movement, celebrates neurodiversity, shares how to cultivate self-advocacy groups, and overviews some common topics in self-advocacy.

Navigating College: A Handbook on Self Advocacy
A guide from The Autistic Self Advocacy Network with information about common challenges in college and how to advocate for yourself to get what you need. Topics include dorm life, transitions, accommodations, independent living, ableism, friendships, social activities, and mental health.

The Self-Advocacy Blog
This blog from Self-Advocacy Online has posts about all kinds of self-advocacy issues, including college, guardianship, budgeting, finding staff, and more.

Transition to Adulthood: A Health Care Guide for Youth and Families
When a young person reaches the age of 18, their healthcare and support options may change. This guide overviews the challenges and options that are available and helps families to plan for transitions around young adulthood.

Healthcare Toolkit for Patients and Supporters
This toolkit from Aaspire includes a variety of forms and worksheets to support you in setting up, going to, and following up after a healthcare appointment. It also includes informational articles about healthcare, staying healthy, your rights, and more.

Inclusivity and Ableism for Employers
This guide provides employers and neurotypical coworkers with an overview of what ableism is, how it shows up in the workplace, and what they can do differently to create more inclusive work spaces.

How to Know When You’re Experiencing Ableism At Work…And What to Do About It
A guide for autistics in the workplace with information about what ableism is, how to recognize it, common examples, and what you can do if you experience it.

Ableism In the Workplace Social Narrative
A social narrative explaining what ableism is, what you can do when you encounter it, and providing scripts to address it.

Requesting Accommodations Email Scripts
The scripts from the Ableism in the Workplace Social Narrative all in one place.

AuSM Policy Advocacy
Learn more about AuSM’s work in state policy, how to get involved with our Advocacy Committee, and the issues we’re currently working on.

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