
Informational Articles

Learn about topics related to autism with these informational articles.

What is Autism
An overview of the autism diagnosis and common traits.

Things That Help With Burnout
An infographic detailing what Autistic Burnout is, signs of it, and strategies to help manage it.

The 5-Point Scale and Emotion Regulation
An article written by the creator of the 5-point scale that overviews what the 5-point scale is and how to use it to support emotion regulation.

A blog that explains what co-regulation is and how support people (especially parents) can help others regulate their emotions through co-regulation.

Learn About the Zones of Regulation
The Zones of Regulation are one approach to emotion regulation. This article explains what they are and how to use them, and also includes suggestions for incorporating them into day to day life.

Social Rules for Online Dating
If you’re interested in online dating, but want more information about what to expect and the social rules that others will want you to follow, this document can help guide you.

Augmentative and Alternative Communication: Autistic Children
This article outlines why autistic children may need augmentative and alternative communication (AAC), some common options, and things to consider when choosing a system.

AAC Devices: What They Are and How You Can Get One For Your Autistic Child
An outline from a parent perspective about what AAC is and how to get a device for your child.

Communication Tools: Visual Supports
This guide from the National Autistic Society shares common visual supports for communication, including why they’re useful, different types, how to use them, and examples.

Communication Tools: Social Stories and Comic Strip Conversations
This guide from the National Autistic Society overviews how you can use Social Stories and comic strips to better understand social situations, practice communicating, and prepare for unexpected situations.

Driving and Transportation with Autism
This resource provides information about how driving can be challenging for autistics as well as tips for teaching driving skills. It also includes more resources and places to get driving lessons.

7 Things to Know About ASD and Sexuality
A quick overview of important facts about autism and sexuality.

Supporting Queer Autistic Individuals
This handout was included during the keynote Supporting Queer Autistic Individuals: Applying The Lessons of Universal Design to Gender and Sexuality at the 2022 Minnesota Autism Conference and includes common terms related to gender and sexuality as well as answers to questions and concerns you may have.

Autistic Masking and Autistic Burnout
An article explaining what autistic masking is and how it can lead to autistic burnout.

Alexithymia and Autism Guide
This guide explains what alexithymia (difficulty identifying and describing your own emotions) is, how it relates to autism, and how it can impact a person.

Stimming: What It Is and Why Autistic People Do It
An in-depth article written by an autistic adult explaining stimming (or self-stimulating behaviors) and how they feel internally.

Minnesota Voting Rights
An overview of the rights you have as a voter in Minnesota, including information about your rights as a disabled person.

Voting Overview
A resource that explains the ways you can vote, strategies for choosing a candidate, and outlines common issues that relate to disability.

People with Developmental Disabilities Have the Right to Vote
Fact sheet with information for individuals with developmental disabilities about their right to vote.

Get Help Voting
The Minnesota Secretary of State website page with information on how to get help voting.

Navigating College: A Handbook on Self Advocacy
A guide from The Autistic Self Advocacy Network with information about common challenges in college and how to advocate for yourself to get what you need. Topics include dorm life, transitions, accommodations, independent living, ableism, friendships, social activities, and mental health.

The Self-Advocacy Blog
This blog from Self-Advocacy Online has posts about all kinds of self-advocacy issues, including college, guardianship, budgeting, finding staff, and more.

Transition to Adulthood: A Health Care Guide for Youth and Families
When a young person reaches the age of 18, their healthcare and support options may change. This guide overviews the challenges and options that are available and helps families to plan for transitions around young adulthood.

Creating Autism Interventions That Promote Flexibility
An article about helping autistic individuals build more flexibility, while still honoring the importance of routine.

3 Essential Types of Visual Supports To Help Autistic Kids Succeed
This article talks about some common challenges of creating visual supports, then discusses how to create 3 common ones: a schedule, a to-do list, and instructions.

Supporting New Habits
A guide for people who support autistic individuals focused on habits and routines. It has information about why routines are useful, as well as how to support someone in building a new habit.

Autism Sensory Strategies
This article overviews the different sensory systems, hypo and hyper sensitivity, common signs of sensory processing challenges, and strategies to help.

Using Visual Supports As An Autistic Adult: A Review
An article from an autistic adult discussing various visual support options for adults, what worked well for them, and pros and cons of each.

What Is Interoception and How Does It Impact Those With Autism?
This article explains what interoception is, how it relates to emotions and self-regulation, the connection to autism, and strategies for improving interoception.

Interoception and Mental Wellbeing in Autistic People
This article explores how struggles with interoception can impact autistic people, and offers ways to support challenges with interoception.

Sensory Processing: The Vestibular System
An overview of what the vestibular system is, common vestibular activities, why it’s important, and tools to help.

Sensory Processing: The Proprioceptive System
An overview of what the proprioceptive system is, common vestibular activities, why it’s important, and tools to help.

Executive Challenges in Autism & ADHD
This guide explains what executive function is, as well as how both autism and ADHD relate to it. It breaks down executive function into 12 functions, with examples of each.

Executive Function: What Is It, and How Do We Support It In Those With Autism?
This two part article explains what executive function is and shares strategies that parents can use for supporting executive function in their children.

Resources for Executive Function
A round up of many useful executive function resources, organized into categories.

Executive Function Resources
This blog post outlines many areas affected by executive function and lists articles and guides for each one. These resources are primarily geared at children.

Supporting Independence in Daily Living Skills
A guide with information about common daily living skills that can be challenging for autistic individuals, general strategies, common sources of difficulty, and resources.

The Best Functional Life Skills Resources for Autistic Individuals
A round up of resources broken down by daily living skill. Most of these resources are aimed at children or younger adults.

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