
Navigating the Community Resources

A group of women sits at a cafe, chatting togetherHere you’ll find resources for community integration, including employment, school, social opportunities, and more.

Creating Accessible Events Toolkit
A guide with tons of resources and suggestions for creating events and spaces that are accessible to everyone, including attendees, speakers, volunteers, and organizers.

Driving and Transportation with Autism
This resource provides information about how driving can be challenging for autistics as well as tips for teaching driving skills. It also includes more resources and places to get driving lessons.

Inclusivity and Ableism for Employers
This guide provides employers and neurotypical coworkers with an overview of what ableism is, how it shows up in the workplace, and what they can do differently to create more inclusive work spaces.

How to Know When You’re Experiencing Ableism At Work…And What to Do About It
A guide for autistics in the workplace with information about what ableism is, how to recognize it, common examples, and what you can do if you experience it.

Ableism In the Workplace Social Narrative
A social narrative explaining what ableism is, what you can do when you encounter it, and providing scripts to address it.

Requesting Accommodations Email Scripts
The scripts from the Ableism in the Workplace Social Narrative all in one place.

Autistic Disclosure Toolkit
A toolkit with information, worksheets, and exercises to help autistic adults determine when and how to disclose their diagnosis.

Vaccine Resources
Created by the Autism Society of America, this toolkit of resources includes social narratives about the process of getting vaccines, resources to manage fear of needles, communication boards, and more!

Social Narratives

Social Narratives for Medical Situations
A variety of social narratives to help prepare for common procedures at the doctor’s office or hospital.

Going to the Grocery Store

How to Ride the Bus (From Metro Transit): additional info

Self Check Out

OBGYN Appointment

Creating Sensory-Friendly Spaces

Social Narrative Template (create your own): Attending an Event

Voting Resources

There are many misconceptions about voting and disability, whether it’s assumptions about who can and cannot vote, or a lack of awareness about your rights to accessible voting options. To help guide our community during any election time, we’ve compiled resources that will help you understand how and when you can vote, strategies for researching candidates, and an overview of issues that affect the disability community.

Minnesota Voting Rights
An overview of the rights you have as a voter in Minnesota, including information about your rights as a disabled person.

Voting Overview
A resource that explains the ways you can vote, strategies for choosing a candidate, and outlines common issues that relate to disability.

Federal Voting Rights Fact Sheet
Short and easy to print sheet with an overview of your federal voting rights.

Get Help Voting
The Minnesota Secretary of State website page with information on how to get help voting.

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