Worksheets and Interactive Tools

Autistic Sexual Bill of Rights and Building Your Own Bill of Rights Worksheet
An overview of the rights every individual has in relationships plus information about determining your own wants and needs in a relationship.

How to Create an Online Dating Profile
First impressions are important when meeting people online and in-person! When someone is dating online, they can create a profile that reflects who they are and allows others to see if they have interests or values in common. Use this worksheet to create an online dating profile that communicates who you are!

Friendship Card
Use this card to share your contact info with new acquaintances you’d like to get to know. For more details on how to use this card, click here.

Charting the Life Course Person Centered Tools
Charting the Life Course is a person centered planning approach that provides free tools and resources. You can use the tools to capture what is important to you, plan for a life transition, set a vision, or think about how to solve any problem in your life – big or small, right now or in the future.

Inclusivity and Ableism for Employers
This guide provides employers and neurotypical coworkers with an overview of what ableism is, how it shows up in the workplace, and what they can do differently to create more inclusive work spaces.

How to Know When You’re Experiencing Ableism At Work…And What to Do About It
A guide for autistics in the workplace with information about what ableism is, how to recognize it, common examples, and what you can do if you experience it.

Requesting Accommodations Email Scripts
The scripts from the Ableism in the Workplace Social Narrative all in one place.

A Curriculum for Self-Advocates
A resource from The Autistic Self Advocacy Network that gives information about the self-advocacy movement, celebrates neurodiversity, shares how to cultivate self-advocacy groups, and overviews some common topics in self-advocacy.

Creating Family Traditions
Traditions are a great way to bring your family together, feel connected to your history, and share values. How can you create values that include your autistic family members? Use this guide to collaboratively create family traditions that work for your family.

Using Habits to Support Executive Function
A guide that details how habits can be helpful for executive function and also includes worksheets and materials to work on building helpful habits.

Sensory Schedule
This interactive Google Sheet is a way to identify sensory supports and create a schedule to help you incorporate them into your life. You can use it as an individual, or to help support someone else.

Your Self-Care Toolkit
This resource is an interactive tool to help you plan out your self-care practice and become more intentional about meeting your own needs. Watch a video sharing how to use this resource by clicking here.

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