
Creating Accessible Events Toolkit

AuSM’s latest free resource is a guide like no other. If you are an event organizer, a teacher, a community organizer, or anyone who wants to create spaces that are accessible and inclusive, this guide is for you. While most resources around event accessibility focus exclusively on attendees, our guide…

Governor Tim Walz Proclaims April as Autism Acceptance Month in Minnesota

Autism Acceptance Month got a prominent boost from Minnesota’s highest state office when Gov. Tim Walz issued the following State of Minnesota Proclamation: “WHEREAS: Autism Acceptance Month began as Autism Awareness Month, but the autism community has since outgrown autism awareness and grown into autism acceptance; and WHEREAS: In Minnesota…

Autism Experts Set to Speak at Minnesota State Autism Conference April 26-28

The Autism Society of Minnesota (AuSM) has curated a wide-ranging slate of autism experts and self-advocates as presenters for its 2023 Minnesota State Autism Conference, returning April 26-28, 2023. Keynote speakers include autistic journalist and author Eric Garcia, speech-language pathologist and social-cognitive therapist Kari Zweber Palmer of Social Thinking,…

Sensory Friendly Vaccine Clinics Available for Autistic Kids: Autism Orgs Unite with Children’s Minnesota to Staff Three Vaccine Clinic Locations and Dates

The Kid Experts at Children’s Minnesota are partnering with the Autism Society of Minnesota (AuSM) and Multicultural Autism Action Network (MAAN) to vaccinate autistic children against COVID-19 and the flu. Trained specialists from AuSM and MAAN will be onsite at Children’s Minnesota’s primary care clinics in St. Paul, Maple Grove, and…

Resources For Employers and Employees

We’re proud to share a new series of resources as part of the AuSM Celebrates Interdependence campaign! We’ve had a number of requests from our community for information on navigating ableism in the workplace, and in response we created resources for both autistic employees and their employers. Check out all…

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